Pilot: OCA2257 Claudio Bolivar Aircraft: FBW A320 NEO AVENSA (YV-97C) Distance: 316NM
Departure SVMT Arrival SVVA Duration 00:49
Validation Validated Type Regular Tail Number YV7902
ZFW 113252 Block Fuel/Initial FOB 4,126/0 Flight Fuel 3,676
Passengers 167 Cargo 21626 Alternate SVMI
Departure Time Cruise Speed Flight Level
Flight Type IFR Aircraft Type A20N Weight Unit Lbs
Date 22-01-2025 Pilot Comments Network IVAO
Crashed No Validator Comments Flight Rating 85

Crashed OK Beacon off & Engine Running OK KIAS Above 250 below 10000 FT OK
Lights OFF below 10000 FT OK Lights ON above 10000 FT Fail Stall OK
Overspeed OK Flight paused OK Refueling OK
Slew detected OK Taxi & Taxi lights off OK Take off & lights off OK
Landing & lights off OK Landed in not planned airport OK Taxi Speed OK
Wrong altimeter in Take off OK Wrong altimeter in Landing OK
Landing wind 79º/0 kt Landing heading 91
Landing VS: -409.08 ft/min Landing IAS: 121.32 kt
Landing Force G 1.2 G Landing Bank -1.5
Landing Pitch 4.5 Landing Flaps 5
Navigation Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON
Impuestos de viaje(30). Number of PAX: 167 5,010.00
Publicidad en vuelo 500.00
Cargo:21626 .Price per Cargo Unit:30 648,780.00
Number of PAX:167 .Price per PAX:80 13,360.00
Cobertura WiFi -650.00
Cobertura WiFi(650). Flight duration: 0.82 -533.00
Mantenimiento de la aeronave(850). Flight duration: 0.82 -697.00
Asistencia en superficie -480.00
Impuestos aeroportuarios -250.00
Suministro de alimentos (catering)(5). Number of PAX: 167 -835.00
Combustible Jet A1(17.19). Fuel used: 4126.13 -70,928.20
TOTAL 593,276.83
2025-01-22 15:57:46 SIM ACARS version 1.4.15213
2025-01-22 15:57:46 BOARDING5213
2025-01-22 16:02:03 STARTING ENGINE 2 8213
2025-01-22 16:03:10 STARTING ENGINE 1 8213
2025-01-22 16:05:48 TAXI TO THE RWY 9213
2025-01-22 16:10:01 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF54220
2025-01-22 16:10:26 TAKE OFF174206
2025-01-22 16:11:07 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 11553169
2025-01-22 16:11:28 GEAR UP1264749
2025-01-22 16:12:24 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 02376818
2025-01-22 16:13:17 LIGHTS ON ABOVE 10000 ft25010505
2025-01-22 16:26:16 CRUISE24639314
2025-01-22 16:41:27 DESCEND25138464
2025-01-22 16:56:03 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 12165897
2025-01-22 16:56:26 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 21975760
2025-01-22 16:56:29 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 31945763
2025-01-22 16:56:53 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 41705621
2025-01-22 16:56:56 GEAR DOWN1675603
2025-01-22 16:57:28 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 51375296
2025-01-22 17:00:13 LANDING1211425
2025-01-22 17:00:31 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 4331420
2025-01-22 17:00:34 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 3271420
2025-01-22 17:00:37 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 2321419
2025-01-22 17:02:01 TAXI TO THE GATE201411
2025-01-22 17:03:14 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 161412
2025-01-22 17:03:23 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 081412
2025-01-22 17:03:32 STOPPING ENGINE 2 71412
2025-01-22 17:03:34 STOPPING ENGINE 1 71412
2025-01-22 15:58:4650212129BOARDING
2025-01-22 15:59:4680212129BOARDING
2025-01-22 16:00:4660212329BOARDING
2025-01-22 16:01:4640212629BOARDING
2025-01-22 16:02:46602121629BOARDING
2025-01-22 16:03:46602123529BOARDING
2025-01-22 16:04:46502126129BOARDING
2025-01-22 16:05:46782129229BOARDING
2025-01-22 16:06:4671721611929TAXI TO THE RWY
2025-01-22 16:07:4681222114529TAXI TO THE RWY
2025-01-22 16:08:46251722117529TAXI TO THE RWY
2025-01-22 16:09:469022120229TAXI TO THE RWY
2025-01-22 16:10:46184173125241925CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:11:46150160544365216CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:12:46249299822588211CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:13:462793631154510807CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:14:463374421296012645CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:15:463234441623514410CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:16:46317455196251616-7CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:17:46323472229281794-14CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:18:46312469262201950-21CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:19:46288445295042078-27CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:20:46262423326542193-34CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:21:46236394356072295-42CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:22:46212368380322384-48CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:23:46229398382812470-49CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:24:46245427385202557-49CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:25:46248436393042644-51CLIMBING
2025-01-22 16:26:46246435393132706-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:27:46246434393132768-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:28:46246434393152832-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:29:46246434393162895-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:30:46247434393182958-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:31:46247434393193021-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:32:46247433393193083-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:33:46247433393153145-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:34:46246432393143208-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:35:46246431393073270-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:36:46246431393083332-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:37:46246431393103395-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:38:46246430393113458-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:39:46246430393093520-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:40:46246430393103583-51CRUISE
2025-01-22 16:41:46263441371273615-46DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:42:46299468322693624-33DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:43:46287443297063635-28DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:44:46282431270513646-23DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:45:46284429240553658-17DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:46:46294430215243683-12DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:47:46298423186043698-6DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:48:462984111588437130DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:49:463064041308637304DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:50:463043801077737486DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:51:462563201019137676DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:52:462563108497378610DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:53:462502997700382512DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:54:462492966903386514DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:55:462242666094388716DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:56:461771875654390718DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:57:461411394777392620DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:58:461421472365394630DESCEND
2025-01-22 16:59:461211231777399831DESCEND
2025-01-22 17:00:4631251418405030LANDED
2025-01-22 17:01:4630251411407530LANDED
2025-01-22 17:02:4615111412410030TAXI TO THE GATE
2025-01-22 17:03:46601412412230TAXI TO THE GATE
2025-01-22 17:04:46601412412630TAXI TO THE GATE

Copyright ® 2025 Aserca Virtual Airlines